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“Big Firm Abilities, Small Firm Agility”

Full Suite of Configurable Services

K&A offers electric power delivery and energy engineering services, including project management and construction management support services.

Full Suite of Configurable Engineering Services

K&A offers electric power delivery and energy engineering services, including project management
and construction management support services.
Project Controls Services

Project Controls Services

K&A Project Controls Services provides processes and systems to help team members communicate and collaborate, track status updates and lessons learned, and manage and create workflows so management can focus on execution. They also integrate the budgeting process into project activities, calculate costs accurately, understand when and why variances occur, and create cash flow projections. K&A uses key performance indicators to monitor project health and forecast trends. The iterative processes in gathering and analyzing project data keep costs and schedules on target.

Our major project control services include:

  • Reduced project costs through ability to make timely decisions using KPIs
  • Increased project predictability for cost and completion date
  • Increased visibility into the financial health of the project at all stages
  • Ability to mitigate project scope creep
  • Meaningful benchmarking data for future projects via well-structured projects
  • Increased margins when working in a fixed-price environment
  • Increased job satisfaction for project team members

Download a copy of our project controls service sheet

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